Толковый словарь английского языка. Tip перевод и транскрипция, произношение, фразы и предложения Переводится tip

Англо-русский перевод TIP

transcription, транскрипция: [ tɪp ]

а) тонкий конец; кончик (пальца, ножа, языка и т. д.)

to be on / at the tip of one"s tongue — вертеться на языке у кого-л.

б) верх, верхушка, верхний конец (чего-л.)

from tip to toe — с головы до кончиков пальцев; сверху донизу

He stuck my cheek with the tip of his pen. — Он ткнул мне в щеку кончиком своей авторучки.

а) наконечник (напр., зонта)

б) мундштук (сигареты и т. п.)


3) тех. штекер, контакт

4) тонкая щеточка (из верблюжьего или беличьего волоса (кончика хвоста))

1) приставлять или надевать наконечник

2) образовывать верхушку чего-л.

3) срезать, подстригать (верхнюю часть чего-л., верхушки кустов, деревьев)

а) наклон, наклонное положение, склон, уклон

with a tip — с наклоном

б) эстакада

2) место свалки (мусора, отходов и т. п.)

а) наклонять, склонять; наклоняться, склоняться

She was tipping her ear a little to the side to listen. — Она слегка наклоняла ухо в сторону, чтобы лучше слушать.

slope 2., tilt I 2.

б) прям. и перен. перевешивать

The balance might be tipped from predominantly white to predominantly black. — Чаша весов может отклониться от преобладающего белого к преобладающему черному.

а) опрокидывать; сваливать, сбрасывать

This piece of land was used for the purpose of tipping rubbish. — Этот участок использовался для сваливания мусора.

б) переворачивать, опорожнять (тж. tip out)

в) запрокидываться; переворачиваться

а) "убирать", убивать (человека) ; избавляться (от кого-л.)

б) выпить до дна; осушить залпом

1) чаевые, деньги "на чай"; небольшой подарок (обычно денежный)

The porter will expect a tip. — Носильщик будет ждать чаевых.

gratuity , present

2) разг. совет (ненавязчивый, как бы между делом) ; намек, подсказка

the straight tip — сведения из достоверных источников

tips for travellers — советы путешественникам,

you should take my tip — вам следует послушаться меня

My father was a stockbroker, and he taught me all the tips he knew. — Мой отец был биржевым маклером и научил меня всем хитростям своего дела, которые знал сам.

to give a tip — намекнуть; подсказать

3) разг. важные сведения, полученные частным образом; конфиденциальная информация (особ. на скачках или в биржевых делах)

Miss one"s tip

1) давать "на чай"; "отблагодарить"; делать подачки

2) предоставлять частную или конфиденциальную информацию (о возможном победителе, о выгодной сделке и т. п.)

3) предупреждать, предостерегать (кого-л.; обыкн. tip off) ; информировать (о чем-л.)

Who tipped you? — Кто тебя проинформировал?

4) спорт. ; сл. работать "жучком" (на скачках)

прикосновение; лёгкий (но отчетливый) удар

A tip of the whip will take the courage out of him. — Легонький удар хлыстом поубавит в нем смелости.

1) слегка касаться (чего-л.) , дотрагиваться (до чего-л.)

He tipped his hat as he saw me. — Увидев меня, он легонько коснулся своей шляпы в знак приветствия.

2) слегка ударять; подрезать или подправлять (мяч и т. п.)

3) идти легко и быстро; идти на цыпочках

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике. 2005

  • Англо-Русские словари
  • Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике

Еще значения слова и перевод TIP с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «TIP» in dictionaries.

  • TIP — I. ˈtip noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English tip, tippe; akin to Middle High German zipf tip, Middle Dutch …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • TIP — tip 1 — tipless , adj. /tip/ , n. , v. , tipped, tipping . n. 1. a slender or …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • TIP — I. ˈtip verb (tipped ; tip·ping) Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. : overturn , …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • TIP — noun a gift; a douceur; a fee. 2. tip ·noun rubbish thrown from a quarry. 3. tip ·noun a light …
    Webster English vocab
  • TIP — vb tipped ; tip.ping vt (14c) 1: overturn, upset--usu. used with over 2. a: cant, tilt b: to …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • TIP — / tɪp; NAmE / noun , verb ■ noun END OF STH 1. the thin pointed end of sth: …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • TIP — I. tip 1 S2 W3 /tɪp/ BrE AmE noun [ Sense 1,4-5: Date: 1400-1500 ; Origin: Probably from Old Norse …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • TIP — 1. n. & v. --n. 1. an extremity or end, esp. of a small or tapering thing (tips of the …
    Oxford English vocab
  • TIP — (tips, tipping, tipped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The tip …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • TIP — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a useful tip ▪ Their website has some useful tips on selling your home. …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • TIP — To give or lend. Tip me your daddle; give me your hand. Tip me a hog; give me a shilling. …
    Slang English vocab
  • TIP
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • TIP
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • TIP — 1) вершина; верхушка 2) головка 3) заострённый или закруглённый конец; кончик 4) наконечник || снабжать наконечником 5) рабочий конец электрода …
    Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь
  • TIP — 1) вершина; верхушка 2) головка 3) заострённый или закруглённый конец; кончик 4) наконечник || снабжать наконечником 5) рабочий конец электрода 6) насадок; мундштук 7) носок (литейного …
    Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь - РУССО
  • TIP — 1) верхушечный 2) верхушка 3) вершинка 4) головка штепселя 5) законцовка 6) конец 7) кончик 8) легкий толчок 9) мундштук 10) наклонять 11) наконечник 12) наральник 13) машиностр. носик 14) тех. орган исполнительный 15) …
    Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь
  • TIP
    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь - Апресян, Медникова
  • TIP
    Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
  • TIP — I 1. сущ. 1) а) тонкий конец; кончик (пальца, ножа, языка и т. д.) to be on / at the tip of one"s tongue …
    Англо-Русский словарь общей лексики
  • TIP — 1) конец, кончик; вершина (напр. зуба) ; гребень (витка резьбы) ; кромка, край; продольная кромка (…
    Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2
  • TIP — 1) конец, кончик; вершина (напр. зуба); гребень (витка резьбы); кромка, край; продольная кромка (зуба) 2) наконечник; мундштук; крышка 3) режущая пластина; режущая …
    Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства
  • TIP — _I 1. _n. 1> тонкий конец; кончик; I had it on the tip of my tongue - у меня это …
    Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера - 24 редакция
  • TIP — I 1. n. 1. тонкий конец; кончик; I had it on the tip of my tongue - у меня это …
    Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера - редакция bed
  • TIP — 1. наконечник; остриё; торец (бурового долота) 2. гребень (витка резьбы) 3. упор (измерительного прибора) - boom tip - flare tip - plunger tip - …
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу
  • TIP — _I tɪp 1. _n. 1> тонкий конец; кончик; I had it on the tip of my tongue у меня это …
    Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера
  • TIP
    Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики - Глазунов
  • TIP
    Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики
  • TIP
    Англо-Русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка
  • TIP
    Новый Англо-Русский словарь современного неформального английского
  • TIP
    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • TIP — Airport Name: Rantoul National Aviation Center Airport Location: n.a IATA Code: TIP ICAO Code: KTIP
    Airport Code English Dictionary
  • TIP — n. (end) punta, extremitá; (gratuity) gratiment, trinc-moné, backshish; v. dar backshish, dar trinca-moné; (tilt) bascular, inclinar
    English interlingue dictionary
  • TIP — barato;gratuity;tumoy
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • TIP — I. verb (~ped; ~ping) Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century transitive verb overturn , upset , 2. cant , tilt …
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Merriam Webster
  • TIP — (v. t.) To lower one end of, or to throw upon the end; to tilt; as, to tip a cask; …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (v. t.) To bestow a gift, or douceur, upon; to give a present to; as, to tip a servant.
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (v. t.) To form a point upon; to cover the tip, top, or end of; as, to tip anything with …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (n.) Rubbish thrown from a quarry.
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (n.) A thin, boarded brush made of camel"s hair, used by gilders in lifting gold leaf.
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (n.) A piece of stiffened lining pasted on the inside of a hat crown.
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (n.) An end piece or part; a piece, as a cap, nozzle, ferrule, or point, applied to the extreme end …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (n.) The point or extremity of anything; a pointed or somewhat sharply rounded end; the end; as, the tip of …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • TIP — (v. t.) To strike slightly; to tap.
  • TIP — (v. t.) To lower one end of, or to throw upon the end; to tilt; as, to tip …
    Webster"s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary

I. tip 1 /tɪp/ "British English" "American English" noun

1 . END the end of something, especially something pointed

tip of

He kissed the tip of her nose.

the southern tip of South America

lights on the wing tips of aeroplanes ⇨ fingertip (1)

2 . MONEY a small amount of additional money that you give to someone such as a waiter or a taxi driver:

Did you leave a tip ?

large/generous/big tip

I gave the guy a big tip .

a $5 tip

3 . ADVICE a helpful piece of advice:

Perhaps she could give us a few tips .

tip on/for

This week"s magazine has some tips on healthy eating.

handy tip (=useful tip)

handy tips for decorating a small flat

gardening tips

4 . the tip of the iceberg a small sign of a problem that is much larger:

The reported cases of food poisoning are only the tip of the iceberg.

5 . on the tip of your tongue

a) if something is on the tip of your tongue, you really want to say it, but then you decide not to:

It was on the tip of my tongue to say, ‘I’d rather have dinner with a snake.’

b) if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it:

What is her name? It’s on the tip of my tongue. Joan. Joan Simpson. That’s it!

6 . WASTE British English an area where unwanted waste is taken and left SYN dump :

a rubbish tip

I’ll take this lot to the tip.

7 . UNTIDY British English informal an extremely dirty or untidy place:

The house was an absolute tip.

8 . HORSE RACE informal special information about which horse will win a race

9 . WARNING a secret warning or piece of information, especially to police about illegal activities:

Acting on a tip, the police were able to find and arrest Upton.

COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)

■ verbs

leave a tip Aren’t you going to leave a tip?

give somebody a tip Kim gave the driver a tip.

■ adjectives

a big/large/generous tip The service was great and we left a large tip.

a 5%/10% etc tip A 15% tip is customary in restaurants.

a £2/$5 tip He gave the waitress a $10 tip.

COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 3)

■ verbs

give somebody a tip He gave me some tips on how to improve my game.

pass on a tip The writer passes on many tips that she has learned over the years.

follow a tip To keep your bike in good condition, follow these simple tips.

pick up a tip If you listen to the show, you’ll pick up some really useful gardening tips.


a good/useful/helpful/handy tip Go to their website to find useful tips on buying and selling a home.

a simple tip He has some simple tips for saving money when you"re at the supermarket.

cooking tips Most recipes come with added cooking tips.

gardening tips Marie was always willing to share her gardening tips.

beauty tips The article contains some useful beauty tips.

safety tips Ensure the safety of your family with a few simple safety tips from the Fire Service.

II. tip 2 "British English" "American English" verb (past tense and past participle tipped , present participle tipping )

1 . LEAN to move into a sloping position, so that one end or side is higher than the other, or to make something do this SYN tilt

tip forward/back/to etc

His helmet had tipped forward and the boy pushed it back.

Eric fell asleep, his head gently tipping to one side.

tip something forward/back etc

‘So what?’ asked Brian, tipping his chair back on its rear legs.

2 . POUR to pour something from one place or container into another

tip something onto/into something

Tip the onions and oil into a large ovenproof dish.

Ben tipped the contents of the drawer onto the table.

tip something out

Shall I tip the water out?

3 . GIVE MONEY to give an additional amount of money to someone such as a waiter or taxi driver:

Did you tip the waiter?

tip somebody something

I tipped him $5.

4 . BE LIKELY TO SUCCEED if someone or something is tipped to do something, people think that they are most likely to succeed in doing it

tip somebody/something to do something

the man tipped to become the next President

tip somebody for/as something

He’s tipped as a future world champion.

widely/strongly/hotly tipped

He had been widely tipped to get the new post of deputy director.

5 . gold-tipped/steel-tipped/rubber-tipped etc having a tip that is made of or covered with gold, steel etc:

a silver-tipped walking stick

6 . tip the balance/scales to give a slight advantage to someone or something:

Three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership.

7 . tip the scales at something to weigh a particular amount, used especially of someone who will be taking part in a sports competition:

At today’s weigh-in he tipped the scales at just over 15 stone.

8 . it’s tipping (it) down British English spoken said when it is raining very heavily:

It was absolutely tipping it down.

9 . be tipped with something to have one end covered in something:

arrows tipped with poison

red petals tipped with white

10 . tip your hat/cap (to somebody)

a) to touch or raise your hat as a greeting to someone

b) American English to say or do something that shows you admire what someone has done

11 . tip somebody the wink British English informal to give someone secret information

tip somebody ↔ off phrasal verb

to give someone such as the police a secret warning or piece of information, especially about illegal activities:

The police must have been tipped off.

tip somebody off that

His contact had tipped him off that drugs were on the premises.

tip somebody ↔ off about

Did you tip him off about Bernard?

tip over phrasal verb

if you tip something over, or if it tips over, it falls or turns over:

The candle tipped over and the hay caught fire.

tip something ↔ over

The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic.

tip up phrasal verb

if you tip something up, or if it tips up, it moves into a sloping position, so that one end or side is higher than the other

tip something ↔ up

He tipped the bottle up so that the last of the liquid flowed into his glass.

Ken tipped up the wheelbarrow, then stood back to rest.


pour to make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angle: Jessica was pouring more wine into her glass. | He poured me a drink. | Raj poured some water from the jug.

drizzle to pour a liquid onto food in small drops or in a small stream – often used in cooking instructions: Drizzle a little olive oil onto the bread. | Drizzle the lemon juice over the cake.

tip to pour something out of a container by turning it upside down: He tipped the cup of milk into the pan. | She weighed out the flour and tipped it into the bowl.

spill to accidentally make a liquid or other substance come out of a container: Someone had spilled coffee all over the carpet. | The tanker was leaking, and spilled oil into the sea.

splash to pour a liquid quickly in an irregular stream: Tony hurriedly splashed some cream in his coffee. | Someone had splashed petrol over the steps and set light to them. | She splashed some perfume onto her wrists.

decant to pour liquid from one container into another container – a rather formal use: Rachel decanted the shampoo into small bottles for travelling. | He often decanted cheap whisky into bottles of more expensive brands.

как с английского переводится слово "tipdrill"? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Александр[гуру]
вообще, это два слова слепленных в одно.. .
толкования разные существуют на этот счёт.. .
что-то придумано слушателями этой песни, а иной смысл вложен самим певцом.. .
Most interpret the phrase "tip drill" to mean "a person with a "nice" body but an "ugly" face" or "a man with an "ugly" face who has a lot of money," due to the lyrics "it must be yo ass "cause it ain"t yo face" and "it must be yo money "cause it ain"t yo face." This however, is not what the term is meant to mean in the song, Nelly is simply implying that he is attracted to said girl due solely to her buttocks, it is not saying that the girl must be ugly. The reason these girls are referred to as “tip drill’s” is because they have large buttocks, which is ideal for a sexual activity known as “tip drilling” which involves placing the penis between the buttocks without penetration.
Источник: (song)

Ответ от Insurance [гуру]
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tip тонкий конец; кончик (пальца, ножа, языка) ; приставлять или надевать наконечник
наклоняться, склоняться; наклон, наклонное положение, склон, уклон... >>
TIP - интерфейсный процессор терминала... >>
drill бур; бурав; сверло; сверлить (дыру, отверстие)
подготовка, тренировка; упражнения, отработка (чего-л.) ; зубрежка
разновидность западноафриканского бабуина, мандрил... >>

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